Wednesday, July 09, 2014


1).God spoke 'I passed by and saw you in your blood, and said You shall live!’
All I could do was move my lips as much as my consent to give. 
Then the Holy Spirit came on me; and Jesus saved me supernaturally. 
Hell let me go and Christ took me in; I now run this race for a crown to win.
Ezekiel 16,6
I love you my Lord, for you first loved me,
You spoke LIFE to me so unconditionally.
With my First Love I do respond, unreservedly.

2).The life I had wasted with sin and strife, I threw away without thinking twice.
But I threw it into the hands of the Lord as he passed by – not once but thrice.
As life oozed away I failed to pray, yet He said “You shall live anyway!”
He wouldn’t give me up, despite my provocation, but shed His blood for my salvation.
Hosea 11,8

3).When I sank I needed more than counseling; above all else I needed rescuing.
Then Jesus came, but not to calm me down, for I was just about to drown.
His hands and arms did reach across the roaring sea, flinging around my torso.
Christ looked at me with love and said, “Because I live, you shall live also.”
John 14,19

4).When personal loss means loss of a person, it is pain too much for the day.
Bereavement’s kind of agony is impossible to convey.
But let us all remember now, that the life we now own is just on loan, 
“The God of all Comfort” is heard as before “I AM ALIVE FOR EVERMORE.” 
2 Corinthians 1,3; Revelation 1,18
By Reinhard Bonnke

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