Wednesday, February 04, 2015

(37-MIRACLES OF JESUS# MIRICLES(Mathew, Mark, Luke and John)

1 Jesus Turns Water into Wine   2:1-112
2Jesus Heals an Official's Son   4:43-54
3Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit 1:21-274:31-36 
4Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law8:14-151:29-314:38-39 
5Jesus Heals Many Sick at Evening8:16-171:32-344:40-41 
6First Miraculous Catch of Fish  5:1-11 
7Jesus Cleanses a Man With Leprosy8:1-41:40-455:12-14 
8Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant8:5-13 7:1-10 
9Jesus Heals a Paralytic9:1-82:1-125:17-26 
10Jesus Heals a Man's Withered Hand12:9-143:1-66:6-11 
11Jesus Raises a Widow's Son in Nain  7:11-17 
12Jesus Calms a Storm8:23-274:35-418:22-25 
13Jesus Casts Demons into a Herd of Pigs8:28-335:1-208:26-39 
14Jesus Heals a Woman in the Crowd9:20-225:25-348:42-48 
15Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life9:18,
16Jesus Heals Two Blind Men9:27-31  
17Jesus Heals a Man Unable to Speak9:32-34   
18Jesus Heals an Invalid at Bethesda   5:1-15
19Jesus Feeds 5,00014:13-216:30-449:10-176:1-15
20Jesus Walks on Water14:22-336:45-52 6:16-21
21Jesus Heals Many Sick in Gennesaret14:34-366:53-56 
22Jesus Heals a Gentile Woman's Demon-Possessed Daughter15:21-287:24-30 
23Jesus Heals a Deaf and Dumb Man 7:31-37 
24Jesus Feeds 4,00015:32-398:1-13  
25Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida 8:22-26  
26Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind   9:1-12
27Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon17:14-209:14-299:37-43 
28Miraculous Temple Tax in a Fish's Mouth17:24-27  
29Jesus Heals a Blind, Mute Demoniac12:22-23 11:14-23 
30Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman  13:10-17 
31Jesus Heals a Man With Dropsy on the Sabbath  14:1-6 
32Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers  17:11-19 
33Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead   11:1-45
34Jesus Restores Sight to Bartimaeus20:29-3410:46-5218:35-43 
35Jesus Withers the Fig Tree21:18:2211:12-14 
36Jesus Heals a Servant's Severed Ear  22:50-51 
37Second Miraculous Catch of Fish   21:4-11



A hmun pawl
Bible cang record nak hmun
Peter  nih kezeng adamter  mipa
Ananias le Sapphira  direk in an thihnak
Apostles pawl thilmak tampi an tuah
Peter le John Thlarauthianghlim in an i pehthlaihnak
Peter nih  Eneas kezeng  adamter nak
9:33, 34
Peter  nih Tabitha a thawhter, Dorcas, a damter
Thlarauthianghlim nih Peter thawnginn in an chuahter
Bawipa nih  Herod a vuak i, a thi
Elymas,timi pa mitcawt nak
Paul  ai thleng
Road to Damascus
Paul nih kebei a damter
Paul nih khuavang a dawi
Paul and Silas thawnginn chung an um lio ah  lirhning ruangah thawng innka ai hawng  
Paul  Thlarauthianghlim he an i chawn
Paul nih mitampi a damter hna
Paul nih Eutychus a damter tthan
Paul a kut i rul um cu mei chungah athin
Paul nih  Publius le midang a damter hna


1. Advocate
2. Almighty
3. Almighty God
4. Alpha and Omega
5. Amen, The
6. Ancient of Days
7. Anointed
8. Anointed One
9. Author
10. Author of Eternal Salvation
11. Beginning
12. Beginning and the Ending
13. Begotten
14. Beloved
15. Beloved Son
16. Beloved Son of God
17. Blessed of God
18. Bread of Life
19. Bridegroom
20. Bright and Morning Star
21. Captain of Man's Salvation
22. Captain of Our Salvation
23. Carpenter
24. Carpenter's Son
25. Chief Cornerstone
26. Chosen
27. Chosen of God
28. Christ
29. Christ Child
30. Christ of God
31. Christ the Lamb
32. Comforter
33. Consolation of Israel
34. Cornerstone
35. Counsellor
36. Creator
37. Creator of All Things
38. Deliverer
39. Divine Son
40. Door of the Sheep
41. Emmanuel
42. End of the Law
43. Endless
44. Eternal
45. Eternal Father
46. Eternal God
47. Eternal Head
48. Eternal Judge
49. Eternal Judge of Quick and Dead
50. Everlasting Father
51. Example
52. Exemplar
53. Faithful and True
54. Father
55. Father of Heaven and Earth
56. Finisher
57. Finisher of faith
58. First and the Last
59. Firstborn
60. Firstfruits
61. Forerunner
62. God
63. God of Abraham
64. God of Isaac
65. God of Israel
66. God of Jacob
67. God of Thy Father
68. God of Whole Earth
69. God's Anointed
70. God's Holy Child Jesus
71. Good Shepherd
72. Governor
73. Great I AM
74. Great God
75. Great Shepherd
76. Head of Every Man
77. Head of the Body
78. Head of the Church
79. Healer
80. Heir of All Things
81. Holy
82. Holy Child
83. Holy Messiah
84. Holy One
85. Holy One of Israel
86. Holy One of Jacob
87. I AM
88. Image of God
89. Immanuel
90. Jehovah
91. Jesus
92. Jesus Christ
93. Jesus of Galilee
94. Jesus of Nazareth
95. Joseph's Son
96. Judge
97. Judge of Quick and Dead
98. Just One
99. Just, The
100. King
101. King of Israel
102. King of Kings
103. King of Zion/Sion
104. King of the Jews
105. Lamb
106. Lamb of God
107. Life, the
108. Light of the World
109. Light, the
110. Lion of the Tribe of Juda
111. Living Bread
112. Living Stone
113. Living Water
114. Lord
115. Lord from Heaven
116. Lord God
117. Lord God Almighty
118. Lord God of Hosts
119. Lord Jehovah
120. Lord Jesus
121. Lord of All
122. Lord of Dead
123. Lord of Glory
124. Lord of Hosts
125. Lord of Living
126. Lord of Lords
127. Lord of the Sabbath
128. Lord Omnipotent
129. Lord our Righteousness
130. Lord's Christ
131. Maker
132. Man of Counsel
133. Man of Holiness
134. Master
135. Mediator
136. Meek and Lowly
137. Messenger of the Covenant
138. Messiah
139. Messias
140. Mighty God
141. Mighty One
142. Mighty One of Israel
143. Mighty One of Jacob
144. Minister
145. Most High God
146. Nazarene
147. Offspring of David
148. One Body
149. Only Begotten
150. Only Begotten of the Father
151. Only Begotten Son
152. Our Passover
153. Physician
154. Power of God
155. Prince
156. Prince of Life
157. Prince of Peace
158. Prophet
159. Prophet of Nazareth
160. Propitiation for Sins of Whole World
161. Rabbi
162. Redeemer
163. Redeemer of Israel
164. Redeemer of the World
165. Resurrection and the Life
166. Revealer
167. Righteous Judge
168. Righteous Man
169. Rock, the
170. Rock of Heaven
171. Root of Jesse
172. Sacrifice, the
173. Savior
174. Savior of Israel
175. Savior of the World
176. Second Comforter
177. Seed of Abraham
178. Seed of David
179. Seed of the Woman
180. Servant of Jehovah
181. Servant of the Lord
182. Shepherd
183. Son
184. Son of Abraham
185. Son of David
186. Son of God
187. Son of Man
188. Son of Mary
189. Son of Righteousness
190. Son of the Blessed
191. Son of the Eternal Father
192. Son of the Everlasting God
193. Son of the Highest
194. Son of the Living God
195. Son of the Most High God
196. Spiritual Rock
197. Stem of Jesse
198. Teacher Come from God
199. True Vine
200. Truth, the
201. Unchangeable One
202. Way, the
203. Well Beloved
204. Wisdom of God
205. Wonderful
206. Word of Life
207. Word, the
208. Worthy